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A Personal Challenge

So, ¿what is a Habit Calendar? Psychological studies showed that 21 days are needed to incorporate a new habit into your life. If you do or practice something consistently for 21 days, you´ll end up creating a new habit in your life.

But, let´s face it. It gets harder for us to keep practicing and staying consistent for a longer period of time when we are doing something we may not like to do.

Remember! No one becomes virtuous by doing something just for a couple of days.

Any new activity or skill will require a learning curve you have to go through, and it may get overwhelming if we don´t know what to do each day. But here is where this Habit Calendar comes in handy as a powerful personal development tool.

Behind each page of your calendar, you´ll find a simple task to do each day during 21 days. Don´t overthink it, just do it. Consider this 21-days challenge a journey to your true self, to become aware of your time and free yourself from procrastination.

So, are you ready to embody your dream life?
