Be careful! By doing this 21 days-challenge you may become the person you always wanted to be.
This is the Meditation Habit Calendar version. A personal development tool that helps you create a meditation habit during the course of 21 days. At the end of the challenge, you will be able to meditate for 20 minutes straight, hard to believe right? Especially with that monkey mind playing around all day in our heads. But it is possible!
Meditation is one of the most effective ways to decrease anxiety and overcome some fears. During this journey, you will go into yourself and spark consciousness by learning to quiet your thoughts.
It is nicely and intentionally designed with powerful colors to catch your attention and move you forward to become the highest version of yourself.
That´s precisely what you have to do. Simple things that won´t take you more than 5 to 15 minutes a day to accomplish.
Scientists have discovered that reminders are crucial in the process of creating a new habit in our life. Something that reminds us every day that we have things to do and we have to them now.
The Meditation Habit Calendar version is made of 21 pages. Behind each page, you will find a short prompt that is written with the help of an expert Yoga and Meditation instructor. Designed to subtly lead you towards the awakening of your consciousness by learning how to meditate with simple steps until inadvertently you reach day 21 and can meditate for 20 minutes in a row.
A unique experience that allows you to interact with your habit calendar, and discover yourself in the beauty of silence.
The #21dayschallenge is like a game. A road map; a personal guide through 21 days that only you can accomplish. We live in a hectic and crazy world. And it is time for you to be able to center yourself and avoiding negative thoughts arising from the outside perception.
Subconscious benefits of the habit calendar:
- As you walk through the days you can tear off each page, giving you that accomplishment sensation, which will motivate you to go for the next day.
- Recalibrates your brain by teaching you discipline one day at a time.
- Release endorphins naturally after finishing each task.
- Helps you develop commitment with yourself & strengthen your willpower.
- Creates a sense of guilt if you don´t perform your task, leading you to action.
- Meditation increases imagination and creativity.
- Enjoy the beauty of being present.
How does it work?
You just have to hang your habit calendar in the most visible place of your house, somewhere you walk through frequently. Remember, a reminder is key, but not enough. You will also need a plan, and the plan is at the back of each page. No more excuses!
Have you ever wanted to detach from problems? or learn how to be positive even when you are going through difficult times? Here is the answer: Conquer your mind and detoxify your thoughts. No one becomes good at something overnight. And meditation is not the exception. But those who made it, have something in common. They all started one day and now is your day.
Ok, now take a deep breath, and before taking any action be aware that if you decide to start the 21 days meditation challenge and finish it, it will set you free from who you think you are to become who you really are.
Are you ready for the #21dayschallenge?